Home PageBrake PadsEBC Brake Pads FA103HH |
EBC Brake Pads FA103HH £27.99
FA103 58 x 53.5 x 8.7mm
SUZUKI GSX 250 R CH/H (GJ72A) F GSXR 250 J (GJ72A) F GSXR 250 CK F GSXR 400 H 87 F GSX 400 X/XA/XS “Impulse” F GSX 400 R3 (GK71F) F RG 400 F RG 400 EWF/EW-2G/EWH Walter Wolf (Type 1&2) 85-87 F VS 400 VR/FR/VTR/FTR/V-T/F-T 94- F RG 500 G/CH 85-87 F VS 600 GLS/GLT 95-96 F VS 700 GLEFG/GLEPG/GLEFH/GLEPH 86-87 F VS 700 GLFH/GLPH/GLFG/GLPG 86-87 F GSXR 750 F/G/H 85-87 F VS 750 All models 85-91 F VS 800 GLN/GLP/GLR/GLT/GLS/GLV/GLW/GLX 92-99 F GSX 1100 EFE/EFF/ESF 84-86 F&R GSX 1100 FJ/FK/FL/FM/FN/FP 88-93 F GSXR 1100 G/H/J 86-88 F GV 1400 GDG/GTG Cavalcade 86 F&R VS 1400 GLPH/GLFH/GLPJ/GLFJ/GLPR/GLPT/GLPV /GLPW/GLPX/GLPY/GLPK1/GLPK2 Intruder 87-03 F&R VL 1500 W/X/Y/K1 98-01 F&R Equivalents OE 59100 10810 59100 20810 59100 20820 59100 30810 59100 06820 59100 30820 59100 38820 59130 00A00 59130 00A10 59130 06B10 59130 06B20 59130 00810 59130 24A00 59130 27A00 59130 27A10 59130 30B00 59130 30B01 59130 30B21 69100 38810 69100 38820 69100 38840 69100 38860 69100 38870 69100 48810 69130 38B10 69130 38B00 69130 48B00 69130 38820 69130 48810 Competitor X Ref Dunlopad DP210 Ferodo FDB389/R SBS 577 Vesrah VD-330/ 331/338 STD OPTIONS FA HH R MXS EPFA FA103 FA103HH EBC Organic Brake Pads FA series Kevlar organic pads provide fingertip stopping power and are the preferred choice for many sportbike riders; having low disc attack characteristics and medium lifetime. HH Suffix = High Performance Sintered Pad. EBC Double-HTM Superbike Pads FA series; with HH suffix; denotes EBC’s American made ultra high friction Double-H sintered copper alloy brake pads for maximum stopping power and lifetime. Fitted with stainless steel radiator plates for bikes without built in piston insulators to reduce heat transfer into hydraulics and new double compact vented technology for wider pads; reducing backplate bending.
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